Finished you JS Coding BootcampAfter finishing my JS Bootcamp well like everyone first of all i will take some rest to spend summer time with family and friends , then i…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
zoneIf i want to get out of my comfort zone i will go out to practice some sports activity like running or playing soccer with my friends …Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
scrum methodologyThe roles in scrum are quite different from the traditional software methods. Clearly defined roles and expectations help individuals…May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
What are the biggest differences between the current generation and the last one?many differences first of all due to the political changes that have occurred in our country especially for the generations between…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
AuthenticationBack in 80s when internet was used only by the U.S military it was secured by traditional way that wasn’t known until 90s when it become…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
Explain Asynchronous VS SynchronousSo first of all you need to understand the difference between them let’s begin :Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
Learning to be happy on my owndoing things that i love is the most important things that makes me happy when i spend time on my own for example for me i love sport so i…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
about codingI love the code since watching hacking movies i become interested more when i heard that world innovation is the artificial intelligence…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
if i become president i will build a big place for tech giant companies like silicon valley and to…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Life is too short to be worried about status, to keep up appearances, or put on airs.Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020